Sunday 18 October 2009

As someone who for years suffered from arthritic pain in my knee to the degree that it became too painful to stand more than a few minutes, this is something with which I have a personal acquaintance. As my knee is now ninety five percent recovered and still improving, I am also acquainted with the certainty that something can be done about arthritic pain.

Inflammation is a major contributory factor in the onset of arthritis.

One effective way to prevent or reduce arthritis pain is to switch to an anti-inflammatory diet and moderate one's consumption of inflammatory foods such as wheat, corn, eggs, milk and dairy, red meat, salt, white rice, and alcohol. A diet rich in omega oils (such as fish and seeds) is of great benefit as is the consumption of nuts and PLENTY of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Another effective precaution - indeed a must for good overall health - is to avoid or, preferably, eliminate altogether processed and fast foods. This has the added benefit of helping you lose weight.

A more active lifestyle can help fend off the inflammation that can lead to arthritis and that means the "E" word, exercise, whether walking or swimming or some regimen of flexibility-oriented exercises. Just 15 minutes a day can be tremendously beneficial. If you experience arthritis in the hands, then small hand exercises such making a fist and opening your hands wide, or touching your finger tips can be of considerable benefit.

Yoga and Tai Chi are forms of flexibility exercise that can promote the health of your joints and Tai Chi in particular I would personally recommend.

You can also try using a heat therapy for 15 minutes prior to any exercises This can be heat patches, warm water bottles, or even a hot shower or bath. The application of heat dilates blood vessels and thus stimulates circulation. You can also try using niacin (vitamin B3) to dilate the blood vessels but go carefully as niacin can induce a temporary prickly flush that can be quite uncomfortable if you overdo it. There is however a form of B3 available that doesn't cause the flush so ask about it at your health store.

So many of our health problems are precipitated by the things we do to our own bodies through outright poisoning (tobacco, alcohol, street drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, psychiatric drugs. additives and other toxins in the food and so forth) or not supplying them with the fuel and building materials they need in order to function properly (inadequate nutrition).

Contaminated and deprived of nutrients the body's complex interrelated systems begin to malfunction in myriad small ways. These small malfunctions, stresses and imbalances compound over time and sooner or later manifest as serious problems such as arthritic pain, high cholesterol and heart problems, chronic fatigue and liver failure and so on.

Ultimately then, we best guarantee our own health through a diet rich in nutrients and devoid of poisons. On that score I am pleased to recommend a natural, totally organic super food, a nutrient powerhouse that contains a nutrient profile remarkably similar to that of the human body and in forms that are very easy for the human body to assimilate.

I got interested in health issues when I had a rather unpleasant health scare of my own quite in addition to the arthritis (a health problem directly attributable to the fact I had been systematically poisoning myself for half a century) and the nutritional product to which I allude was a huge influence on both my recovery and my elevation to a status of remarkable health and vitality.

I never recommend anything of which I have no personal experience and for which I cannot vouch. This product I recommend.

Not only that I have written a book on it, designed to give you the straight dope as to how and why this super food is so...well, super. It is FREE, in e-book form ( the only way I can afford to give it away) to anyone who wants one.

For my free ebook and more information, go to, now!

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